Stakeholders Engagement and Value Chain
Value Chain
Osotspa conducts its business across a wide range of contexts. We thoroughly consider what we have learned from past experiences and apply such knowledge to manage impacts on a daily basis and create shared opportunities in the value chain.
Our success drivers, for both the short and long term, include inputs such as raw materials and ingredients, strategic cooperation from upstream to downstream, and our talented employees, who exude passion and commitment.
Revenue from customers who place their trust in us and financial resources from investors are also key factors that support our growth. These allow us to expand the diversity of our product portfolio and generate other economic benefits such as jobs, taxes paid, community investments, and positive ecosystem impacts and initiatives as well as customer and shareholders value.
Stakeholder Engagement
Osotspa believes that stakeholder engagement provides a foundation for sustainability in an organization. Osotspa’s Stakeholders include all individuals and organizations who are positively or negatively impacted by the Company’s activities. As part of the sustainability materiality assessment, we focus on understanding the concerns and expectations of our stakeholders. The Company seeks to address issues that can affect sustainability practices in a manner that is equitable and fair to all parties. This includes organizing meetings with groups of representatives from various agencies to generate ideas.We organize brainstorming sessions for cross-functional representatives. Our internal and external stakeholders are identified and prioritized based on our relationship with them, their attitude towards us, and their interests, impact, and potential influences on our business.
Osotspa engages with stakeholders through a variety of channels, all of which are effectively managed. We strive for effective communication management with different channels of engagement that meet the needs of each stakeholder. For efficiency’s sake, we categorize stakeholders into 5 groups. The table below shows the details of our approaches to managing expectations and the channels of engagement for each group.

- Product quality & safety
- Product value for money
- Good health & well-being
- Environmentally friendly packaging
- Provide quality products and services while continuing to improve standards
- Disclose complete and accurate information on products and services as per legal requirements and avoid false claims
Channels of Engagement
- Company website
- 56-1 One Report (available on website)
- Annual market survey
- Complaint channels, including website and
- Call Center; Tel. +66 (0) 2351 1111
Business Partners
- Retailers
- Suppliers
- Fair trade
- Consistent partnership
- Business growth
- Respect for intellectual property and copyrights
- Trustworthy treatment of confidential information
- Refrain from disclosing confidential customer information without consent or legal grounds
- Any business relationship with business partners must not harm the Company's reputation and must be lawful.
- Consider equality and mutual benefits when dealing with business partners.
- Fair selection of business partners
Channels of Engagement
- Company website
- 56-1 One Report (available on website)
- Meetings, conferences, inspections, and factory visits
- Annual audits
- Telephone, e-mail.
- Complaint channels, including website and Call Center; Tel. +66 (0) 2351 1111
Shareholders and Lenders
- Business performance improvement
- Good corporate governance
- Data transparency
- Equal rights treatment
- On-schedule debt repayment
- Strict compliance with contract conditions
- Commit to corporate governance.
- Protect the interests of the Company and shareholders.
- Treat shareholders equally and fairly
- Strive to maximize shareholder satisfaction through growth in Company value.
- Disclose information transparently and reliably.
- Commit to the contract and follow the lender’s conditions on paying back loan principal, interest, and any collateral
Channels of Engagement
- Company Investor Relations website
- 56-1 One Report (available on website)
- Annual General Meeting
- Quarterly financial reports
- Telephone, e-mail
Regulators & NGOs
- Government Body
- Independent Entity
- Regulation alignment
- Policy alignment
- Collaboration Project
- Business partners
- Voluntary Project
- Joint development program
Channels of Engagement
- Company website
- 56-1 One report
- Meetings
- Conferences
- Public Event
- Fair compensation
- Good labor practices
- Life and property security
- Knowledge development
- Career advancement opportunities
- Work-life balance.
- Respect for human rights
- Facilitate employee skills development.
- Foster a happy, healthy, and safe working environment.
- Promote teamwork.
- Treat employees equally in a polite manner without discrimination
- Respect individual rights.
- Pay for performance
Channels of Engagement
- Company website
- 56-1 One Report (available on website)
- Quarterly Town Halls
- OSP Life (Mobile Application)
- Employee Annual Performance Evaluation (twice a year)
- Employee Engagement Surveys
- Employee satisfaction survey
- Welfare Committee meetings
- 360-degree Leadership Assessment
- Responsible business operations
- Life and property security
- Community development to support self-sustainability, including for the underprivileged and disabled.
- Community economic improvement
- Compliance with laws and regulations
- Participation in public activities
- Organize projects and activities for the community and society development on a regular basis.
- Support activities that benefit society at large and refrain from any violation of laws.
- Support activities in the local communities in which the Company operates with an emphasis on environmental impacts.
- Provide products and services which are environmentally friendly and comply with environmental laws.
- Support activities that contribute to energy and environmental conservation and support the production and use of environmentally friendly products.
Channels of Engagement
- Company website
- One Report disclosures (available on website)
- Meetings, conferences, inspections, and factory visits
- Annual audits
- Telephone, e-mail
- Complaint channels