Highlight Performance

Total amount of material treated and sent back into the recycling process equaled total
Plastic Material Weight Reduction
Tons per Year

Our Sustainable Packaging Commitment

The vision and mission to " THE POWER TO ENHANCE LIFE" of Osotspa Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries (Osotspa) has determined its roadmap toward sustainability. Which focused on building a strong foundation, addressing new challenges and opportunities that may arise in the future. Include developing business flexibility and capable of growing together with partners (Tier 1 Suppliers) and Partner’s partners (Non-Tier 1 Suppliers) even in turbulent business environment.

Packaging sustainability goals are set in the environmental plan. We have designed “Zero Packaging Waste” to reduce the environmental impact of its packaging. Through encouraging packaging circulation with design and prefer Eco - Packaging to deliver the quality product in alignment with consumer satisfaction. Therefore, Osotspa has setting key performance to communicate and assess our business partners’ capabilities as the following topics;

  • Programs to reduce the volume and/or weight of packaging.
  • Programs to increase the use of reusable packaging.
  • Programs to increase the use of recyclable packaging.
  • Programs to phase out single-use plastic packaging.
  • Programs to increase the use of recycled material as packaging solutions.
  • Programs to ensure that recyclable packaging is actually recycled.
  • Allocation of R&D resources to sustainable packaging and alternative solutions.

To effectively drive the sustainable packaging program, coordinating cooperation with partners and stakeholders is crucial. Communication and commitment to driving the aforementioned strategy are pivotal factors. This entails working collaboratively with partners and stakeholders to achieve goals and collectively contribute to building sustainable value chains in the future.

Our Sustainable Packaging Strategies

Performance Highlights

To achieve our Sustainable Packaging goals and stay in line with Thailand’s Bio-Circular-Green Economy (BCG) model action plan for 2021-2027, OSOTSPA has evolved our packaging across product groups to utilize a variety of practices including recyclable design, weight reduction, and recyclable material usage. These are all aimed at reducing environmental impact while maintaining the same quality.

Packaging Weight Reduction

OSOTSPA has improved its glass bottle packaging to reduce glass bottle weight while maintaining quality. This was implemented previously in Beverages across multiple products. In 2023, the company successfully implemented process improvements to reduce the weight of glass bottles for personal care products, specifically for TWELVE PLUS/EXIT Roll On products in the 25 ml and 45 ml sizes.

OSOTSPA conducted R&D in packaging design, aiming to minimize plastic usage across a range of products. This initiative included both existing and new items

2023 – Performance of Packaging Weight Reduction

Recycling Solutions in Our Production

Osotspa does not shy from being accountable in terms of post-consumer waste management. This can be seen in our advanced recycling center in Saraburi province which contributes to the reduction and recycling of waste by way of resource optimization. With an end goal to promote sustainable consumption and production, we at Osotspa never stop seeking ways to enhance the efficiency of our recycling center and increase the amount of local cullet used in our glass bottle production.

2023 - Performance of the Osotspa Recycling Center

Partnership for Sustainable Packaging

Osotspa believes that by joining forces with those around us, we can enhance lives and protect our planet.

With this in mind, we are actively working with a wide range ofstrategic partners in the consumer industries, including government agencies, businessassociations, academic institutions, suppliers, and peer firms.These partnerships drivepositive change throughout our value chain and help us leverage scale in order to reachour sustainability goals.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
Industry Level
  • Federation of Thai Industries (FTI)
  • Thailand Institute of Packaging and Recycling Management for Sustainable Environment (TIPMSE)
  • Thai Beverage Industry Association (TBA)
  • Peer companies

Osotspa engages in the design process of the "Pack Back" packaging closed-loop initiative alongside industry associations and manufacturing companies with the aim of developing a pilot model for post- consumer waste management.

"Bottle to Bottle" Program
With Customers/Consumers
  • Small retailers
  • Motorbike taxi riders
  • Community
  • Pollution Control Department (PCD)
  • Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA)
  • Department of Internal Trade (DIT)
  • Community Police

We collaborate with stakeholders, to redesign business practices so that they demonstrate and support the value of the circular economy. The collaboration seeks to develop repeatable/practical models for waste collecting & recycling to create both a culture & system for waste segregation, collecting and recycling.

Sustainable Cullet Sourcing
With Business Partners /Suppliers
  • Wongpanit - Recyclable Waste Processer

As part of our sustainable cullet sourcing program, we collaborate with cullet suppliers to encourage local scrap venture collection of cullet from the domestic waste stream and to use reverse logistics to collect and transport post-consumer glass containers. Closing the loop on glass container waste not only benefits the environment and ecosystem, but also the general health of surrounding communities.

Aluminum Loop Program
With Thai Beverage Can (TBC), supplier of aluminum cans

Aluminum Loop CAN is an aluminum can product which opens a new frontier in sustainability. Demonstrating our environmental and social responsibility, we collaborate with our can supplier aiming to return used beverage cans, for recycling into new cans of the same quality, making the recycling loop truly circular.

Sustainable Packaging Program
Suppliers include
  • Thai Beverage Can
  • SCG Chemical (SCGC)
  • PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited (PTTGC)
  • Envicco
  • UPM Raflata

OSOTSPA aims to make positive changes across the value chain to achieve our sustainability objectives at scale, including our Sustainable Packaging goals. To that end, we work closely with converters and suppliers to advance sustainability programs and ideas that emphasize the 4Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Recover. Engaging and exchange with suppliers is the start point for aligning on and progressing future OSOTSPA sustainable packaging initiatives.

2023 – Performance of Partnership for Sustainable Packaging

Packaging Materials Coverage (% of cost of goods sold) Total Weight (metric tonnes) Recycled and/or Certified Material (% of total weight) Target 2023 (% of total weight)
Wood/Paper fiber 100 12,320 97 95
Metal 100 9,433 24 18
Glass packaging 100 245,976 78 75

Plastic Packaging

FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Target forFY 2023
Total weight (tonnes) of all plastic packaging 5,715 6,636.77 6,701 6,443 7,500
Percentage of recyclable plastic packaging (as a % of the total weight of all plastic packaging) 76 74.35 91 92.2 78
Percentage of compostable plastic packaging (as a % of the total weight of all plastic packaging) 0 0 0 0 0
Percentage of recycled content within your plastic packaging (as a % of the total weight of all plastic packaging) 0 0 0.0003 2.8 0
Coverage (as a % of cost of goods sold) 3.69 100 100 100 -