Tax Governance

Osotspa Group is committed to being a taxpayer who not only cooperates and complies with the tax laws of the countries in which it operates, but also with the intent of those related laws.

The Company calculated the transfer price for transactions between the Company and associated companies based on the (Arm's Length Principle) which requires compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The aim is to pay the fair amount of tax based on the actual value of routine business operations.

In terms of tax planning, the Company follows commercial business practices without abusing the tax structure to evade taxes or engaging in fraudulent, unusual transfers of profits to non-disclosed countries or territories (Tax heaven).

The company is accountable for effective financial management and tax operations in order to promote corporate sustainability and create shareholder value. On top of that, the company seeks legitimate tax benefits to be used in its business.

For example, tax deduction measures, investment tax benefits, and the full utilization of deferred tax assets.

Tax Risk Management

The Company manages tax risks through its compliance system and promptly prepares measures to mitigate the impact of assessed risks. Processes are tracked and reported to the Risk Management Committee. Osotspa also allocates resources to understanding its tax obligations and complying with applicable tax laws and regulations.

To fully understand the risks and implications of critical tax issues, the Company always seeks advice from relevant tax authorities or experts. The Company monitors government policy from the concept stage of drafting until the issuance of tax laws in order to keep up with the impact on the Companys business.

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