Human Capital and Labor Practices
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Osotspa organizes training sessions to help employees develop their potential at both the supervisory and operational levels. In 2023, the Company undertook the following relevant projects:
Frontline Leader Program Training
Recognizing that enhancing the leadership skills of all supervisors can have far-reaching impact, the Company has established the Frontline Leader Program. The objective is to enable the supervisors to impart correct work practices to employees with understanding and accuracy. This initiative ensures the delivery of standardized and high-quality products and services that have a positive impact on consumers, the organization's output, and income. We believe the program is essential to cultivating supervisors into modern leaders capable of effectively managing both tasks and people in the future.
Being Proactive with Non-Head Training
The Company has also organized a training program for employees to develop and strengthen their ability to become self-leaders, cultivate motivation, and foster wisdom through a proactive work ethic. The goal is to systematically improve work efficiency through practice and to allow participants to apply the learned skills effectively in their daily work.
Osotspa Open House 2023

Osotspa welcomes the younger generations and the public to engage in discussions with our executives at the Osotspa Head Office and Beverage Production and Packaging Plants (Ayutthaya).
The event featured a panel discussion with the management team, who shared their knowledge and experience in marketing and the Company’s digital transformation.
- ‘Meet the CEO and Leaders’ an exceptional opportunity for a private meeting with Osotspa's CEO and the management teams from various departments. The teams shared their thoughts, experiences, culture, and stories about the challenges of working in the FMCG industry.
- ‘Fast-Track Job Application’ an opportunity to explore various job positions offered by Osotspa, both full-time or internship roles, and to submit an early application.
- At the Osotspa Open House event, participants exchanged experiences, made new friends, and learned new things.
Internship Program

The O-Interns 2023 internship program provides students with hands-on learning experiences, emphasizing engagement with dynamic projects throughout the internship duration. Our goal is to enable students to develop skills across various domains, with the aspiration that they will utilize the knowledge and experience acquired during their internships to benefit both themselves and society in the future.
Our Employee
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Breakdown by Nationality
Employee Performance Evaluation
Osotspa divides its employee performance evaluations into 3 parts: Performance Management, 360-degree Evaluation, and Team-based Evaluation. Details are as follows
(1) Performance Management
The Company has implemented a Performance Management System to effectively oversee employee performance, aligning their efforts with organizational goals and objectives. This system enables employees to advance in their careers while ensuring fair and appropriate compensation based on their work performance.
Evaluation Criteria:
The Performance Management System encompasses objective setting, operational indicators, and systematic evaluation. The process includes
- Objective Setting, which involves establishing annual performance goals and various plans at the beginning of the year for employees to utilize as guidelines for their operations and self-development throughout the year
- Mid-Year Review is conducted to measure and track performance, ensuring that employees can achieve their work targets. During this review, supervisors provide training and conduct feedback sessions to support employees in reaching their goals.
- Performance Appraisal compares target achievement with actual performance to measure work success in the previous year. It aims to identify areas needing improvement and to determine goals for the following years based on the results obtained.
The Performance Management System at Osotspa Group is applied to employees at all levels, both domestically and abroad. The assessments are conducted twice per year.
Real-time Feedback for Evaluation System
The Company has promoted an exchange of feedback between employees and supervisors, known as Agile Conversations, which can take place immediately and at any time. Employees and supervisors can discuss what has been done well, what needs to be improved, and whether new initiatives should be started or dropped, as well as performance and career paths. These discussions serve to promote team success, organizational growth, and employee career development.
(2) 360 Degree Evaluation
The Company has implemented a 360-degree evaluation system to assess the abilities and performance of its employees. This Performance Feedback assessment is customized to each employee's roles and responsibilities, enabling an evaluation of their performance against both organizational standards and individual potential. The evaluation process includes gathering comprehensive feedback from individuals associated with the employee, including supervisors, subordinates, team colleagues, colleagues from other departments, and lower-level employees who do not report directly to the same hierarchy.
Evaluation Criteria:
The 360-degree assessment is based on the 5 areas of the OSP Leadership Profile
- Driving Results with Passion
- Thinking End-to-End
- Challenging Yourself to Take Risks
- Taking Others with You
- Learning Agility
The evaluators consist of the employee, supervisors, subordinates, team colleagues, colleagues from other departments, and lower-level employees who do not report directly to the same hierarchy.
The 360-degree evaluation applies to all levels of employees within the Osotspa Group, both domestically and internationally, with assessments conducted twice per year.

(3) Team-based Evaluation
To support the team's goals and success, the Company has implemented performance evaluations as part of the team-based performance recognition. This process involves setting goals as a team and communicating them to everyone in the team. The clear definition of each team member's roles and responsibilities ensures alignment with the team's objectives. The evaluation criteria emphasize collaborative teamwork, guided by the following principles
Evaluation Criteria:
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- Total Sales of the Team
- Growth Rate of Team Sales
- Team Performance and Behavior
This evaluation is conducted on the sales team on both a quarterly and annual basis.
Promoting Employee Well-being

Employee Adaptation to the Digital Era
To foster employee well-being, embrace the digital era, and streamline HR management processes, Osotspa utilizes a cloud-based digital platform known as O-In-1. All employees can access this service from anywhere, at any time, via their smartphones and computers. The platform enables employees to handle their individual work and interact with their teams through digital tools. Furthermore, the platform features activities that increase employee engagement and cultivate a positive workplace culture. This includes presenting awards and recognition for employee accomplishment

Fast Forward 10X Project
The Fast Forward 10X Project takes a multifaceted approach to organizational transformation. This includes a focus on enhancing work processes to achieve higher levels of efficiency, agility, and speed. Furthermore, the project is dedicated to equipping employees with diverse skill sets and extensive knowledge while promoting the integration of digital technologies with adaptability. The initiative, which emphasizes a culture of continuous learning, seeks to maximize the organization's potential, strengthen competitiveness, and drive sustainable growth.

Flexibility in the Workplace
With restrictions on office attendance, Osotspa has implemented a basic platform to facilitate efficient remote work. This includes the use of MS Teams, an e-form service, and remote request submission through the Office Smart Service Request platform. Additionally, for employees required to be in office, 'hot desks' have been provided to minimize health risks and offer flexibility in a dynamic work environment.
Osotspa embraces employment principles that can accommodate the diverse needs of individuals and their job nature.

Flexible Working Hours
Since 2018, Osotspa has implemented flexible working hours for office employees to align with individual needs and accommodate varying traffic conditions. These efforts also reflect the organization's commitment to ethics, responsibility, and integrity while ensuring that work standards and responsibilities are maintained.
Employees have the flexibility to manage their working hours according to their preference, providing them with peace of mind. This flexibility not only enhances work efficiency but also contributes to keeping employees safe during a public health crisis.
Since March 2020, the Company has adjusted guidelines for employees to allow for Work From Home (WFH) as needed. In addition, Osotspa has provided equipment to support operations and essential platforms for efficient remote work, including notebook computers, ergonomic chairs, mobile phones, and communication channels across multiple platforms. This set-up allows employees to continue their work while also saving time and money on travel.

Childcare Facilities and Contributions
Since 1976, Osotspa has supported employees by alleviating the financial burden of their children's education via educational scholarships for the elementary to undergraduate levels.

Lactation Facilities and Benefits
Understanding the critical nature of maternal and infant health, Osotspa provides private, clean, and safe rooms for female employees to collect breast milk.

Part-Time Employment
Osotspa has introduced part-time employment in response to the need for diverse employment models that meet both business needs and individual choices. Part-time employment allows for a more flexible work schedule, with employees working fewer hours than full-time employees. This agreement is formalized by a written employment contract between the Company and the individuals. The contract specifies clear terms such as the number of days and hours worked per week or month, compensation, benefits, and other relevant terms.